Friends of St Peter’s, Ightham
Your invitation to join Friends of St. Peter’s, Ightham
Participate in village events and activities
We’re planning an exciting programme for all to enjoy: (As we emerge from current restrictions, & when we can socialise again!)
2022 – Celebrating our heritage – 900 years of St. Peter’s history
- The Lost Gardens of Ightham
- Bell ringing & Church history
- Easter Egg Hunt
- Coxcombe Village Fair
- Forest Meditation
- Live Music Concert
Everyone who makes up our community:
- Ightham families, couples & singles… all ages
- Residents, visitors…connecting those who’ve moved away
- Local businesses, trades & farms
An independent charity, working with St. Peter’s Church. Our aims:
- to support the Church
- to participate in Community activities
- to help you make new friends, &
- to socialise with, & help, each other!
Sign up now & get involved!
Friends of St Peter’s leaflet and membership form (pdf)
Get Connected by signing up to our Friends network: Please register your membership details by completing & submitting the Google-form link on our Facebook page .
(Please note that the membership form PDF is not in an accessible format. Please contact for further information.