
Kent County Council (KCC) has launched a consultation on the draft of its latest Local Flood Risk Management Strategy (Local Strategy). The Local Strategy sets out how KCC and our partners will work together to manage local flood risk (flooding from surface water, groundwater and ordinary watercourses). The draft Local Strategy can be found on the consultation page www.kent.gov.uk/localfloodrisk, there is also a questionnaire to respond to this consultation.
We are also launching the Flood Risk to Communities documents, which are flood risk information documents that provide information about flood risk in each borough of Kent (though some are still to be uploaded). The documents give a summary of the following:
1- who does what to manage flood risk
2- who does what in a flood emergency
3- what plans and strategies there are to manage flood risk in that borough
4- a description of the key flood risks in the area
These documents cover all forms of flooding and provide links for more information. The Flood Risk to Communities documents can be found here www.kent.gov.uk/about-the-council/strategies-and-policies/environment-waste-and-planning-policies/flooding-and-drainage-policies/flood-risk-to-communities, there is also a link on the Local Strategy consultation page.
Invitation to join the Flood Action Group
Are you concerned about your flood risk? Would you like to be part of a local Flood Action Group in Ightham, working together to reduce flooding? If yes, you are warmly invited to join the National Flood Forum to discuss how we can support you in Ightham.
Download the Flood Report from Ightham Flood – 25 June 2016 (10Mb pdf) >>.
If anyone would like to be part of the Flood Action Group in Ightham, please contact sanjay.johal@floodforum.org.uk.